Wednesday, January 30, 2013


line(up), 2011

The first thing that comes to mind to me when I think of how I am 'anti-social' according to McLuhan is my cosplaying. Plenty of people may have seen pictures of cosplay, or even a convention - but how many take the time to make, put on, and display a costume at one? How strange is it to spend so much time and money on creating a costume to wear for three days at a particular gathering of people?

In this photoset I attempted to convey what it's like to attend a convention as a cosplayer specifically, using photos that are not as likely to be shared with the world at large - or anyone who isn't a cosplayer or familiar with them. These photos are not of famous or world-renowned cosplays, but of ordinary people at an ordinary convention just doing what they love.

Many of the photos are older, mainly because there wasn't a convention during the time of this project which I could attend to take new ones, as I would have preferred.

The full photoset can be found on my Flickr account, here.

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